Philodendron Pink Princess. Philodendron Erubescens. The uniqueness of this plant is that this plant has black leaves. It is rare in nature. Philodendron Pink Princess has pink variegation with young leaves emerge in dark olive green with white variegation.

In its mature stage, the leaves become a deep black with bright pink spots. A very beautiful combination that is highly visible and provides the right coloration.
It is a perennial house plant, that does not require to be replanted each year. The plant continues to grow and thrive in all seasons.
These plants can be considered as shrubs, trees, or climbers. The flowers are tiny, borne within arum-like white, green, or reddish spathes.
Philodendron Erubescens profile
[wptb id="3078" not found ]Size and growth
When the Philodendron Pink Princess reaches its mature stage, the height might reach up to 24 inches in length. The leaves of the plant can grow up to 8 inches in length with a width of about 5 inches.
Common names
The plant is a native to Colombia. It is a species of perennial plants in the family Araceae.
Its scientific name is Philodendron Erubescens. There are common names including Blushing Philodendron, Red-leaf Philodendron, and Philodendron Pink Princess.
The plant is best grown in warmer climates such as those found in USDA plant hardiness zones 9 to 11.
How to grow
Light requirement
These plants can not survive without sun exposure. Philodendron Erubescens would be very happy to be placed in a spot or a room with medium or bright indirect sunlight.
Typically these plants thrive well indoors. The plant only requires a window that faces the southeast or west.
All you have to do is to search for a space or area in the room or the house, where there is bright, indirect sunlight. If you can not find such a spot, you can still bring them in a room provided enough light with grow lights.
A spot not far away from a window where the sun’s rays never expose the foliage. If the leaves receive too much light, the leaves may turn to yellow almost at the same time.
If you notice that the stems are long and leggy with several inches between leaves, the plant is getting low light or not enough light.
The ideal temperature for a healthy Philodendron Pink Princess is between 65°F to 78°F or 18°C to 25°C. That would be during the day. At night after 5:00 PM, the ideal temperature would be around 60°F or 15°C.
It would be ideal that the minimum lowest temperature is 60°F or 15°C. During winter, you keep the temperature above that level indoors.
Because of these plants from a tropical country, the plant prefers the humidity level above 50% or high humidity level. However, it might still survive at lower levels without harm.
These plants will have shiny and lush leaves or foliage when being at the right humidity level. To do this, you can use a mist spray bottle to mist the Philodendron Pink Princess every day.
Do not mist the plant during the winter months (December to February) or during the time were not growing or dormant.
The Philodendron Pink Princess thrives well in soil that contains a higher percentage of organic matter. The best soil to use is peat moss or other potting mixes with peat moss.
It can tolerate mixtures like 1 part peat and 1 part vermiculite or 1 part peat and 1 part perlite.
Any good, fast-draining potting soil will make the plant happy. The plant will have root rot when the soil is soggy or damp. Do not let the plant sit in the water.
To prevent these plants from rotting, water with the right amount. The plant just will not tolerate too much water or overwatering.
Retain the soil moist, but not soggy. If the top half of the soil is dry, add water. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. You can use your finger by inserting about an inch into the soil to check the moisture level.
Hanging down limply leaves is the signal that the plant is underwatering or overwatering. As soon as you water them with the right amount of water the leaves will recover quickly.
The best time watering the Philodendron Pink Princess plant is between April and September. Just keep the soil moist but not drenched. During those cold winter months, keep the top half of the soil dry. By practicing this, the vines will grow quicker.
Begin by watering the entire plant and then letting the extra water to drain. After that, if the soil is wet below an inch but dry on top, that would be the right amount of water.
You do not want to dry out the soil completely as it will cause the foliage to wither. Avoid drenching the plant.
Choosing the right pot is the key. The soil must drain properly. The pot must have a drainage hole to allow the water to drain out the bottom instead of causing root rot.
For better moisture levels, you might want to use a terracotta pot with drainage holes. The size should be about 2 to 3 inches smaller than the width of the leaves.
Feed the Philodendron Erubescens with a liquid houseplant fertilizer throughout the growing season. Fertilize with a slow-release method in the spring and summer months (March to August).
The maximum period between fertilizing is every six to eight weeks. If you fertilize more frequent, it can harm the plant.
If you notice slow growth and small leaf size, the plant is not receiving enough fertilizer.
Pale look new leaves is an indication that the plant is not receiving enough calcium and magnesium. Both nutrients are very vital for Philodendron Erubescens.
Younger plants need to be repotted every spring. That would be at the beginning of its growing season.
For mature plants, repot them every two years.
Always wear gardening gloves with long sleeves and long pants to protect your skin from contact with Philodendron Erubescens sap. This is to prevent having skin rash.
Step 1
Water thoroughly one day before repotting the plant. Watering the plant has a purpose of minimizing stress to the plant. This will make it easier to practice the re-pot.
Step 2
Select a new terracotta pot that is 1 to 2 inches larger than the current pot. The new pot must also have drainage holes.
Step 3
A healthy Philodendron Erubescens plant does not need pruning before repotting. If the plant has stunted growth, prune the plant at a height of 4 inches
Use very sharp scissors or knife or hand pruning shears.
Step 4
Fill about an inch of high-quality, and well-drained potting soil in the bottom of the new terracotta pot.
Step 5
Turn the Philodendron Pink Princess plant on edge. With one hand hold delicately and gently the soil surface. Use the other hand to slide the container off.
To stimulate the root mass to slide out, hold the plant nearly upside-down position.
Tap the lip of the container against the edge of a structure.
Step 6
Inspect in detail to determine the condition of roots for any signs of disease or discoloration. Healthy Philodendron Pink Princess roots are white or light tan and easily bent or flexible or pliable. Cut off mushy roots and get rid of it.
Step 7
If the plant’s root system is confined in the container for any length of time or root-bound, make several vertical cuts.
Go from the top to the bottom. Go around the perimeter of the root ball. This practice opens the root ball. It stimulates new root growth.
Step 8
Shake excess soil delicately and gently from the plant.
Step 9
Do the root mass setting in the new pot or container.
Step 10
The fresh and new soil can be filled one-half to three-fourths way into the pot. Use a mixture of one part peat moss, one part potting soil, and one part perlite.
Step 11
Water the plant completely until water drain through the bottom of the pot.
Pruning practices may keep the Philodendron Pink Princess foliage vibrant and lush. This can extend years on the plant’s life.
Undesirable dying or diseased stems should be stripped away. Pruning at the correct point in time will lengthen the lifespan.
Since the dormant stage is during the winter months, the best time to prune in the spring or the fall. If you notice some leaves bare a yellow hue, gently cut them off.
Pruning practices can be a good method of maintaining the right size of the plant. This is when the plant becoming too large for the space that it is located.
Pruning should be done also when the new growth becomes long, tall and thin.
Because the plant is considered to be poisonous, carefully wash any tools involved after pruning. Stainless steel hand pruning shears are the easiest type of pruning tools to use.
Be careful not to make the cuts below the leaf node. That is where the stem and a developing leaf meet.
How to propagate Philodendron Pink Princess
Philodendron Pink Princess will develop roots easily from stem cuttings. The roots can be rooted in a glass jar or vase of water.
You will have a stronger root system if you root them in moist perlite or peat moss. You can root several plants from one vine at once.
Propagation through stem cuttings
Step 1
Prepare the necessary tools and safety items. Including garden gloves, garden pruning shears and ways to sterilize your tools after.
Step 2
Inspect the plants carefully to determine which one you wish to propagate. Select that is actively growing, in healthy condition and larger in size.
Step 3
Place the cut stems into a jar or vase full of water. The nodes should be immersed in the water proper growth.
Step 4
Relocate the vase or jar of water with new cuttings into a warmer room with indirect sunlight.
Step 5
Inspect your cuttings after 4 weeks. If the nodes have begun to grow roots, transplant them in a pot with well-drained soil.
You do not have to transplant if you want to grow the plant in water. The roots should be fully submerged all the time.
Step 1
Produce new growth from dividing the mother plant. This is a fast way to propagate the Philodendron Pink Princess.
Step 2
Before practicing division, begin by watering the plant one day before the division. Make sure to water thoroughly until it is wet.
Step 3
The day after, loosen up the soil. Gently take the plant out of its original pot. Divide the roots into several sections of two or three.
Step 4
Make sure to have a minimum of two shoots. Put back the mother plant back into its pot.
Step 5
Plant the new section in a new soiled pot.
Step 6
Wait for about 3 to 4 weeks. Ensure water and mist daily.
Pests and problems
There are problems with either insects or diseases.
When the plant cannot hold its leaves upright, this is a sign of getting too much water or not enough water.
Setting a watering schedule will fix this problem. The leaves are quickly recovering once the watering is fixed.
The leaves of the plant are dark green with a vibrant mixture of pinks. If you notice a brown hue take over the edges or the entire leaf, this could be the cause of humidity level.
One solution is to adjust the amount of misting to let the leaves grow back. If that doesn’t work, relocate and isolate the brown leaves in a plastic bag.
This will produce a natural build-up of moisture. If that still doesn’t work, cut those brown leaves and start over again.
Frequently ask question
Can you grow philodendron pink princess from seed?
It will take a long time to grow Philodendron Pink Princess from a seed. You can buy seeds from online gardening suppliers or collect them during their blooming time. Place the seeds about 1/3 of an inch or about 1 centimeter deep in nutritious breeding soil. Then you have to cover them lightly.
How can I make my philodendron grow faster?
In its tropical habitat, the Philodendron Pink Princess is a fast grower. The plant can reach a height of up to 15 feet. But it grows significantly slower in cultivation. You could grow the plant faster by watering it with untreated water, meeting its moist requirement, and place them in shady spots.
Why are the leaves on my Philodendron Pink Princess turning yellow?
When grown indoors, the Philodendron Pink Princess plant is happy in a bright, indirect sunlight location. A direct sunlight location can develop sunburn patches or cause leaves to turn yellow. No much light may result in the lower leaves turning yellow. It can also cause the death of leaf tips. The plant prefers a sunny windowsill with a light curtain.
Why are my philodendron leaves turning brown?
The soil of the Philodendron Pink Princess should always be moist. Brown leaves may be caused by the spacing your waterings is too much. The watering can also cause it is too lightly. To fix this, water the plant thoroughly. Do not stop until water flows out of the drainage holes. Too much water can cause brown leaves as well.