Selective herbicide for Bermuda grass. Bermuda grass (Cynodon Dactylon) has a life cycle of perennial and grows well during warm-season grass. It is also known as Wiregrass.
When it reaches its mature stage, it will grow up to 2 feet tall. When winter comes, Bermuda grass goes dormant and turns brown. It has the ability to aggressively spread itself by wiry and strong stolons (above ground runners).
Bermuda grass is so hard to eliminate because of the deep root system that enables it to grow in temperatures of thirty-five degrees Fahrenheit and ninety-five degrees Fahrenheit and higher. It absolutely thrives in warm, rainy weather. Bermuda grass is a very aggressive grass and hard to remove once it has established itself.
The bad thing about the aggressiveness is that it can take over other plants that you have in your garden. Or it can even take over your neighbor’s property.
It will not stay put. It causes problems in farmland areas where its seed my be intermixed with crop seeds. This will pose a challenge to the crops when they both have the same resources.
If you want to get rid of it, dig up its root systems that will not damage the surrounding ground.
Bermuda grass is a full sun turf, which will always perform at its best in full sun or high sunlight conditions. It can become invasive and take over other turf grasses.
If you have Zoysia grass and Tall fescue, it would be the most known enemy. To take good care of your lawn against Bermuda grass, you can take special steps to manage with herbicides.
It can require deep removal of the root of the plant will re-establish itself. Both cultural and herbicide methods are the best option to get rid of Bermuda grass in lawns and garden beds effectively.
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List of selective herbicide for Bermuda grass
1. Bayer Acclaim-Extra Selective Grass Herbicide For Bermuda Grass

[su_highlight background=”#e2f0fc”]This herbicide product is a selective post-emergence herbicide that can eliminate perennial and annual grasses in turf or your garden like Bermuda grass. You can kill those grasses in one single treatment. It is a systematic herbicide. It can be used For use in commercial and residential turf, sod farms, and ornamental.[/su_highlight]
[su_highlight background=”#ddff99″]It contains active ingredient Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl (6.59%). This ingredient is formulated for the control of Wild and Volunteer Millet Species, Wild Oat in Barley and Wheat (including Durum Wheat) Barnyardgrass, Green and Yellow Foxtail (Pigeongrass), Crabgrass and Goose grass.[/su_highlight]
It works effectively with good tolerance on desirable turf because of its selective origin as a herbicide. This herbicide product will control those annual and perennial grasses during their growth stages from spikes to 5-tillers.
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/Bayer-Acclaim-Extra-Selective-Grass-Herbicide/dp/B00IZGMUOA/ref=as_li_ss_tl?keywords=selective herbicide for bermuda grass&qid=1572912949&sr=8-1&linkCode=sl1&tag=fery0d-20&linkId=eb8b739d15bd0cea95f1cac07ad6c53f&language=en_US” target=”blank” background=”#e5083f” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Check It Out[/su_button]
2. RM43 43-Percent Glyphosate Plus Weed Preventer Total Vegetation Control Bermuda Grass

[su_highlight background=”#e2f0fc”]This herbicide product offers total vegetation control of spot control on more 150 types of weeds such as Bermuda grass, poison ivy, poison oak, and kudzu. This herbicide will certainly get rid of existing weeds. After that the herbicide prevent growth of invasive plants in the future in undesirable locations. Formulated from active ingredients Glyphosate, isopropylamine salt (43.68%), Imazapyr, isopropylamine salt (0.78%) and a surfactant, it is highly effective in protecting against bad plants for the whole 365 days in most locations.[/su_highlight]
[su_highlight background=”#ddff99″]Once the location is dry, it is safe for people and animals to enter. Use hand operated spray equipment such as pump sprayers and backpack sprayers. Mix 7.4 fl. oz. with water to produce 1 to 10 gallons of mixture for the application. In early summer, you can start applying the herbicide to actively growing weeds. Spray the mix the desired areas.[/su_highlight]
You can not apply this herbicide on your lawn or garden more than 25 gallons per acre per year. Spray the foliage of plants thoroughly and uniformly to wet.
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/RM43-43-Percent-Glyphosate-Preventer-Vegetation/dp/B00CI05VFO/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ascsub=&cv_ct_id=amzn1.osp.58c319e9-e4fd-494b-b2b8-f90b60887e2c&cv_ct_pg=search&cv_ct_wn=osp-search&keywords=Glyphosate&pd_rd_i=B00CI05VFO&pd_rd_r=ed0a4442-16ce-4174-814a-dfa807593c5a&pd_rd_w=jxMot&pd_rd_wg=PbNvY&pf_rd_p=53eff971-6e12-4016-9864-b6dfd929b2b3&pf_rd_r=JPAXKFBN1PDTNS9JJY45&qid=1572917702&linkCode=sl1&tag=fery0d-20&linkId=a137bccb63f5c9035be394edaf13eefb&language=en_US” target=”blank” background=”#e5083f” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Check It Out[/su_button]
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3. Compare-N-Save Concentrate Grass and Weed Killer Bermuda Grass

[su_highlight background=”#e2f0fc”]This herbicide can get to the root and finally kill grass and weeds. After the application, you can see result visibly in just 2 to 4 days. When you see unwanted Bermuda grass or unwanted weeds on your lawn or garden, on patios, on walkways, or in and around fences, you can start applying this herbicide product to remove them. If you purchase 2-1/2 gallon of this product. it will treat over 63,000 square feet.[/su_highlight]
[su_highlight background=”#ddff99″]It contains 41 percent of glyphosate that will control Annual Bluegrass, Creeping Horseweed/marestail Sandspur, Knotweed, Shepherdspurse, Annual Ryegrass, Diffuse Lovegrass, Smooth Cat’s Ear, Lambsquarters, Smooth Pigweed, Barnyardgrass, Dog Fennel, Little Bitter Cress, Sowthistle, Beggarweed, Evening Primrose, London Rocket, Spoiled Spurge, Maiden Cane, Black Medic, and Crabgrass.[/su_highlight]
Because it is a broad spectrum or all purpose grass and weed killer, cover up desirable with plastics or cardboard to avoid getting sprayed. If a plant accidentally sprayed, rinse it off immediately with water. Consider the spraying time during calm air. The weed should be wet entirely to kill. It is recommended to use plastic, aluminum or stainless steel tank sprayer. Rinse sprayer and flush all sprayer components with water 3 times or more after use.
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/Compare-N-Save-Concentrate-41-Percent-Glyphosate-2-5-Gallon/dp/B00ARKS11I/ref=as_li_ss_tl?dchild=1&keywords=Compare-N-Save Concentrate Grass and Weed Killer Bermuda Grass&qid=1590275797&sr=8-1&linkCode=ll1&tag=fery0d-20&linkId=25e602609c5b88596c0e9c6da639b08b&language=en_US” target=”blank” background=”#e5083f” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Check It Out[/su_button]
4. Scythe Soap Based Contact Get Rid Of Bermuda Grass and Weed

[su_highlight background=”#e2f0fc”]This herbicide product is a natural pelargonic acid-based. It is commonly used to prevent the growth of weeds or Bermuda grass both indoors and outdoors. A broad spectrum of weeds controls on contact. You can mix with water at a rate of 1% to 10 % depending on the type of target vegetation.[/su_highlight]
[su_highlight background=”#ddff99″]This is type of acid comes from the fatty acids of the Geranium plant. It burns the cells of the plants you spray it on. You must protect your skin, hand, eyes by wearing gloves, goggle and long sleeve shirt and long pants. When it is dry, it does not pose much hazard. The natural mixture will works fast. You will see the plant start to shrivel right away. The unwanted plant will turn to brown within days. It works best when weeds are small before they go to seed. While for larger and tougher weeds, might take more than one dose of mixture.[/su_highlight]
In a warm climate, it could be use at its best when worst weeds come out in July and August. With few gallons of mixture and spot treat the weeds midsummer before they go to seed. This would make a huge difference in the long term of your landscape or lawn or garden. Even using it at the high rate, a bottle of this will last a very long time.
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/Scythe-Based-Contact-Grass-Killer/dp/B000J2EQ86/ref=as_li_ss_tl?crid=30LNGI8GZEH6M&keywords=bermuda grass killer&qid=1572993714&sprefix=bermuda grass,aps,383&sr=8-6&linkCode=sl1&tag=fery0d-20&linkId=9ece8a04bd682024da8e7a7cf17e4e5f&language=en_US” target=”blank” background=”#e5083f” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Check It Out[/su_button]
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5. Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester Broadleaf Killer Clover Concentrate

[su_highlight background=”#e2f0fc”]This herbicide contains Triclopyr, butoxyethyl ester (60.45%). The formulation can be used as the control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds as well asx Bermuda grass. It can control actively growing weeds including Wild Violet, Oxalis and Field Bindweed, Perennial Bluegrass, Perennial Rye grass and Tall Fescue including Turf grass in golf courses and sod farms.[/su_highlight]
[su_highlight background=”#ddff99″]Mix one half water to the spray tank and mix with this weed killer thoroughly and continue moderate agitation while spraying. You will notice that once it is mixed with water, it forms an emulsion.[/su_highlight]
Apply foliage sprays during early spring through fall or during warm weather or during actively growing stage weeds. It would be effective if sprayed on emerged weeds and for hard to control plants or mature plants. During drought conditions, use a higher rates but still could provide less than desirable results.
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/Hi-Yield-35261-Triclopyr-Broadleaf-Concentrate/dp/B07R17ZDPK/ref=as_li_ss_tl?crid=30LNGI8GZEH6M&keywords=bermuda grass killer&qid=1572993714&sprefix=bermuda grass,aps,383&sr=8-4&linkCode=sl1&tag=fery0d-20&linkId=427e07d838b027531701e8af33468e62&language=en_US” target=”blank” background=”#e5083f” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Check It Out[/su_button]
6. Fusilade II Turf and Ornamental Herbicide

[su_highlight background=”#e2f0fc”]Use this herbicide to kill the unwanted Bermuda grass growing in a large bed in which wanted to take over as the predominant ground cover. Mix the herbicide with water and spray the unwanted Bermuda grass and after about 5 to 7 days the grass will be killed and other grass or plant will be untouched. Mix as a rate of 2.5 oz to 3.0 oz per acre.[/su_highlight]
[su_highlight background=”#ddff99″]This herbicide works fast, by moving into the roots, stolons, shoots, rhizomes, and other growing points of the plants. Within just one week there will be reddening, yellow, loss of vigor, and eventual death of grass weeds.[/su_highlight]
It is a selective post-emergent herbicide that is fast and effective, without harming and damaging ornamental plants. On a reduced rate, It can remove Bermuda grass from tall fescue and Zoysia grass.
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/Fusilade-Ornamental-Herbicide-Quart-SYN1015/dp/B0149IBXCC/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&linkCode=sl1&tag=fery0d-20&linkId=9d146ba504a14c64946a141080636b70&language=en_US” target=”blank” background=”#e5083f” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Check It Out[/su_button]
When is the best time to apply herbicide on Bermuda grass
The best time to apply herbicide on Bermuda grass is in early spring and fall. These herbicides can be applied all year long, and will still stop new weeds that sprout. However, most weeds sprout during the spring months and fall.
How often to apply herbicide on Bermuda grass
The frequency with which you can apply herbicide for Bermuda grass is commonly limited to two applications per year. The primary application followed by a secondary application shortly thereafter to eliminate any persistent weeds.