Herbicide for clover food plots. According to many testimonials and experienced people, to establish food plots would take a lot of work. The preparation means to get ready for deer hunting season.

Food plots can also be costly, considering the fertilizer use, the seed, the lime, the fuel needed to keep your garden tractor or ATV running during maintenance.
What you do not want to happen, you want to start investing time and money on one food plot only to be damaged by weeds. Weeds like grasses, broadleaf, or any other plants that need to control. Weed control in clover.
[su_highlight background=”#e2f0fc”]When this happens, numerous potential weed issues can be limited or eliminated or avoided with proper site preparation and site selection. When weeds established, you can control them by mowing or hand pull. But there is a more viable option by using herbicide weed killer.[/su_highlight]
Clover food plot
Ladino clover has been the go-to food plot planting for years for a lot of hunters. Ladino clover is highly attractive to deer and offers the right amount of protein source for whitetails.
This clover has clusters of three leaflets — the maximum reaching a height of 10 inches or even more. The plant produces a white bloom in the spring months or early summer months.
One good clover plot can give protein-rich forage for about ten months of the year. If they are maintained, the plant will last for several years.
Soil for cover food plot
Ladino clover can grow on any soils but improve well on well-drained and fertile areas. Ladino clover can thrive on more acidic soil. A pH of 6.0 to 6.5 is the perfect level for Clover. You need a soil test kits to determine the pH level.
Before planting, you need to measure the soil to determine if agricultural lime required to raise the pH level of the land. The soil test will provide specifics of how much fertilizer to apply.
Clover does not need as much Nitrogen if planted without any other plant. If you blend with a cereal grain like wheat, oats, or rye, then you need more Nitrogen.
Clover can produce with 300 pounds of 5-10-15 NPK fertilizer per acre. Soil preparation is essential to make sure the first development of this crop.
Planting Clover for food plot
The best time to plant a Ladino clover is from August through October. In some areas can be planted in spring in late January through April.
Seeding rates of Ladino Clover are from 1 to 5 pounds per acre. Seed should plant with a planting depth of no more than 1/4-inch per seed.
If you plant them more profoundly than that, it will result in poor germination. It would be best to use seeds that are pre-inoculated even if it cost more.
Care for Clover for food plot
After planting, Ladino Clover will slowly grow. It becomes very productive after the first spring, after a fall planting. They become productive all season long.
The most important thing is to maintain the soil pH at a level of 6.0 to 6.5.
If you measure, the Ladino Clover reaches 10 to 12 inches in height, and the plant needs to mow during the summer. The maximum height should be of no less than 6 inches to stimulate new growth.
Non-nitrogen fertilizer, such as 0-20-20, is suitable for Clover. Ladino clover can be planted alone or blended with other legumes, perennials, and cereal crops.
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The herbicides
Selective herbicide
Almost in all food plots, grasses will encounter weeds. Because greens have extensive root systems, this makes grasses become competitors of plants for nutrients and water.
The most effective method of grass control is to use a selective post-emergent grass herbicide. Its active ingredients, including Sethoxydim and Clethodim.
They are systematic herbicides that move within the leaf plant after application. These herbicides kill weeds but do not touch broadleaf species like clover, soybeans, peas, and brassicas.
These herbicides will kill corn, wheat, oats, rye, and sorghum. They require to be blended with crop oil or surfactant to penetrate leaf structure and tissue. The fastest result would be in 10 days after the application.
Non-Selective Herbicide
Non-selective herbicides kill all weeds. These are the most popular and commonly used weed killer. Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide that most widely uses for site preparation and site clearing. It is also for weed control in soybeans and corn.
Broadleaf Selective Weed Control
There is two application basis for selective broadleaf herbicides. One herbicide will kill broadleaf species in grasses. While the other herbicide will kill broadleaf species without affecting legumes.
2,4-D is the most commonly used in grass food plots species, such as corn, wheat, oats, and rye. It does not affect perennial legumes such as clover, alfalfa, and trefoil. It can control broadleaf weeds.
Both herbicides work best when applied to soil that has no active properties. The herbicides also work well on smaller or younger weeds. Broad-leafed weeds will have a sign of stem twisting and leaf strapping after the application.
The other herbicide that kills broadleaf weed but does not harm legumes is Imazethapyr or Pursuit or Slay.
What is the best herbicide for clover food plots? (weed control in clover)
[su_highlight background=”#ddff99″]This time, the list of herbicide below may help you select the right herbicide for your specific application regarding clover food plots. While there are numerous herbicides on the market today, food plot weed control can handle with just one particular product. Let’s take a look at 8 of those herbicides.[/su_highlight]
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1. Round Up Pro Concentrate 50.2% Glyphosate 2.5 Gallon Jug Systemic Herbicide

[su_highlight background=”#e2f0fc”]This herbicide contains 50.2% glyphosate that can kill weeds and grasses quickly. It comes in a 2.5-gallon container that can cover up to 4 acres of land or a clover food plot. With this range, it would be more economical than other products.[/su_highlight]
[su_highlight background=”#ddff99″]With Glyphosate 50.2%, this product can be used in numerous situations such as industrial vegetation management and agricultural farming. Other than that, it can also be used in commercial businesses and around residential homes as herbicide to control unwanted weeds.[/su_highlight]
It is known to widely used by many highway right of way (ROW) management companies, municipal governments, cities, and counties. Mix 1 to 10.5 ounces per gallon of water in accordance to the targeted weed. Use only clean stainless steel or plastic sprayers when mixing.
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007XZ90QA/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&linkCode=sl1&tag=fery0d-20&linkId=e20770fedd315710b329b256d3bd378d&language=en_US” target=”blank” background=”#e5083f” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Check It Out[/su_button]
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2. Ranger Pro 41% Glyphosate 5 Gallons 2 x 2.5/Gal Jug Systemic Herbicide

[su_highlight background=”#e2f0fc”]This herbicide product is a postemergence and systemic herbicide with no residual soil activity. It contains 41% Glyphosate that can provide broad-spectrum control of many trees, woody brush, perennial weeds, and annual weeds.[/su_highlight]
[su_highlight background=”#ddff99″]The herbicide absorbed by the target weed either from the root system or from the foliage. After that, it moves through the entire plant to kill the plant while sparing adjacent plants that are not contacted by the product.[/su_highlight]
The product is formulated as a water-soluble liquid with surfactant and so you do not have to add any other surfactant. You will need standard equipment after dilution and mixing with water. Please see the label instructions for the application. It is suitable for residential areas, parks, as well as recreational areas. The range is at a rate of 2 to 3 ounces per gallon of water.
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007XZDQ42/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&linkCode=sl1&tag=fery0d-20&linkId=b0dc03eeccba1b28118b14ad49deb7c3&language=en_US” target=”blank” background=”#e5083f” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Check It Out[/su_button]
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3. ALLIGARE Glyphosate 4+ 2.5 Gallon

[su_highlight background=”#e2f0fc”]This product is produced by Quali-Pro that is a systemic post-emergent herbicide giving broad-spectrum weed control including trees, woody brush, perennial weeds, and annual weeds.[/su_highlight]
[su_highlight background=”#ddff99″]It contains Glyphosate to kill weeds and grasses in cracks of driveways, flower beds, parking lots, and along fence rows. This product works fast by killing the entire plant in a matter of days, not months or weeks. It is a pet-safe herbicide but must be avoided to contact with desirable foliage and ornamental.[/su_highlight]
Glyphosate may be used in any area of vegetation. For application, mix this product at a rate of 2 ounces per gallon of water and treat unwanted vegetation. Some weeds are glyphosate resistance so it is not effective to use on them.
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List of herbicide to kill grasses
4. Poast Herbicide 2.5 gallon to kill grasses

[su_highlight background=”#e2f0fc”]This herbicide is a post-emergent grass control in the clover food plot. Thus herbicide is a selective, broad-spectrum, post-emergence herbicide. It is formulated for the control of annual and perennial grass weeds.[/su_highlight]
[su_highlight background=”#ddff99″]It starts rapidly by entering the target weed through its foliage and throughout the plant. You will see the result from slowing or stopping the growth and see it in only 2 days. The foliage will start reddening and leaf tip burn. The overall symptoms can be observed within 3 weeks in accordance with environmental conditions.[/su_highlight]
This herbicide product only targets grasses and will not kill other broadleaf plants. It must be sprayed on newly and actively growing grass weeds. After the spray, grass weeds will not remain active in the soil. In food plot plantings, it is usually used to control grasses in legume and brassica.
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/Poast-Herbicide-2-5gal-Sethoxydim-BASF/dp/B017OMNABC/ref=as_li_ss_tl?keywords=Sethoxydim herbicide&qid=1572157467&sr=8-1&linkCode=sl1&tag=fery0d-20&linkId=7d5b179f87cbecf0f0f4a2b82f9ef20d&language=en_US” target=”blank” background=”#e5083f” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Check It Out[/su_button]
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5. Agrisel Grass Out Max Post Emergent Herbicide Clethodim 25.4% Kills Grasses Only

[su_highlight background=”#e2f0fc”]This herbicide is a post-emergent herbicide that contains 25.4% clethodim that only kills grasses for clover food plots. This herbicide can kill over 50 types of perennial grasses and annual grasses. It is economical and effective with a very low use rate. You can widely use this product in landscaping, shrubs, plants, agricultural crops, around trees, around ornamental, in gardens, ground covers, and broadleaf crops.[/su_highlight]
[su_highlight background=”#ddff99″]Its function is to reduce the vigor and growth in treated grasses. On the first stage, the necrosis of grass tissue is followed by a progressive collapse of the remaining foliage. You can see this result within 7 to 14 days.[/su_highlight]
The benefit of this product is that it is effective post-emergent weed control. It will kill grasses after they emerge and will not affect flowers, shrubs, broadleaf crops or other broadleaf plants. With its low use rates, makes it economical to eliminate grasses.
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/Agrisel-Postemergent-Herbicide-Clethodim-Grasses/dp/B015BSPEJW/ref=as_li_ss_tl?keywords=Agrisel Grass Out Max Postemergent Herbicide Clethodim 25.4% Kills Grasses Only&qid=1572235759&sr=8-1&linkCode=sl1&tag=fery0d-20&linkId=355abec37c7f96ef42bdb101546371c2&language=en_US” target=”blank” background=”#e5083f” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Check It Out[/su_button]
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6. AgriStar Clethodim 2E 1 Gallon Herbicide Grass Killer

[su_highlight background=”#e2f0fc”]This herbicide product is produce by Agristar to control grasses in clover food plots or crop areas. It is specifically for eliminating annual and perennial grasses in clover food plots, sugar beets, potatoes, sunflowers, peanuts, cotton, soybeans, and many other crops.[/su_highlight]
[su_highlight background=”#ddff99″]It would be effective when applying during the growing stage of grasses according to its label instructions. In order to be very effective, apply this herbicide to grass plants when they do not exceed the recommended growth stage or sufficient moisture or during hot or cold temperatures. If there is a chance of rainfall, do not apply less than 1 hour before. Be advised for the timing when it is a rainy season.[/su_highlight]
You can apply the herbicide with the rates from 3 to 16 oz per acre. The rates should be depending on conditions and plants. Do not apply directly to water or areas with surface water or areas where runoff is likely to happen. The active ingredient of this herbicide is Clethodim (26.4%). It should be applied at 16 oz per 10 gallons per acre.
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/AgriStar-Clethodim-2E-Gallon-Herbicide/dp/B07RTNF2SW/ref=as_li_ss_tl?keywords=Herbicide Clethodim&qid=1572235992&sr=8-5&linkCode=sl1&tag=fery0d-20&linkId=2c24123de8a6404c2915abec915e3419&language=en_US” target=”blank” background=”#e5083f” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Check It Out[/su_button]
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Other option – Whitetail Institute Arrest Max Grass Food Plot Herbicide (land management)

[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/Whitetail-Institute-Arrest-Grass-Herbicide/dp/B00QNP1KB4/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&linkCode=sl1&tag=fery0d-20&linkId=8c5c3bcc126c3d6c1012eefec4c7aa04&language=en_US” target=”blank” background=”#e5083f” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Check It Out[/su_button]
List of herbicide to kill broadleaf weeds
7. Winfield Shredder 2,4-D LV4 2.5 Gallon Herbicide Broadleafs Killer

[su_highlight background=”#e2f0fc”]This herbicide is suited for a clover food plot. The product contains amine, ester and acid formulations of 2,4-D. It also includes MCP for post-emergent control of perennial, annual, and biennial weeds.[/su_highlight]
[su_highlight background=”#ddff99″]It is commonly for burn-down, pre-plant, or post-emergent use. To use it as a water-based spray, fill your spray equipment with half full of water. Please agitate while adding this product and then add the rest of the water. If you want it for nitrogen fertilizer tank mixes, you must read the product label for further instruction.[/su_highlight]
Ingredients used are Dimethylamine Salt of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (47.3%) and other ingredient. This formulation can provide effective control of broadleaf weeds in a endless types of crops.
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/Winfield-Shredder-4-D-LV4-Gallon/dp/B07KCMVXPY/ref=as_li_ss_tl?keywords=Winfield Shredder 2,4-D&qid=1572301320&sr=8-2&linkCode=sl1&tag=fery0d-20&linkId=df5fc2eee69dd1db36dda3c2e55684dd&language=en_US” target=”blank” background=”#e5083f” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Check It Out[/su_button]
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8. Albaugh Butyrac 200

[su_highlight background=”#e2f0fc”]This herbicide product can offer broadleaf weed control in the clover food plot, soybeans, and peanuts. It can also control in seedling or established alfalfa, seedling birdsfoot trefoil, Seedling Alsike Clover, Seedling Ladino Clover, and Seedling Red Clover.[/su_highlight]
[su_highlight background=”#ddff99″]This herbicide contains 25.9% of Dimethylamine Salt of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid along with other ingredients. Manufactured by Albaugh, LLC.[/su_highlight]
It is highly recommended to wear special gear when applying this product. You must wear long sleeves and pants, protective gloves, socks, and goggles. The equipment used must be chemical resistant to avoid any damage.
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/Albaugh-Butyrac-200-2-5-Gallons/dp/B07V78JFF5/ref=as_li_ss_tl?keywords=Butyrac&qid=1572302117&sr=8-1&linkCode=sl1&tag=fery0d-20&linkId=6de65b489a5b418f7873721fab2f3da0&language=en_US” target=”blank” background=”#e5083f” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Check It Out[/su_button]
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Food Plot Herbicide Considerations
Before the application
Before even thinking about planting the food plot, you must first think about weed control. How to control weeds in this food plot?
By just asking this question, might prevent you from making a mistake. You have to plant species with the knowledge that clover, oats, rape, and rye or wheat can not control using herbicides.
Which food plot herbicide you can or cannot use. Just one general knowledge of herbicide is critical to plant a successful food plot.
During the application
You have to know how much herbicide is needed. When is the right time of the day to apply the herbicide? Must you use PPE? What about the wind, do you need a calibrated sprayer? Do you know that the sprayer clean of any residual herbicides, and are you mixing in any additives?
After application
After the application finish, how long does the applied herbicide take effect? Did the application kill the weeds?
By shaving the questions above, you will be aware of the effect of using herbicides on food plots. You are one step closer to developing the skill of food plot weed control.
Frequently ask question
What will kill weeds but not clover?
The most effective and most straightforward technique to control grass is to use a grass selective post-emergent foliar herbicide. These types of herbicides contain Sethoxydim and Clethodim. They move within the plant after application on the leaf. These types of herbicides kill grasses but do not harm broadleaf species like clover, soybeans, peas, and brassicas. They will kill corn, wheat, oats, rye, and sorghum, so remember, especially with mixed food plots.
What do you spray food plots with?
Spray them with a systemic herbicide. The herbicide must spray on young and actively growing grass weeds. It will not remain active in the soil after spraying. Usually, in food plot plantings, sethoxydim uses to control grasses in legume and brassica plantings.
Should I cut my clover food plot?
Determined by rainfall, an excellent stand of clover should cut at least four times a year. To cut clover past this height, will put a lot of stress on the plant. It would help if you sprayed plants at least twice a year. Once during the spring, and then again during the summer.