The best fertilizer for Clematis. Clematis plants (Clematis Armandii) with its beautiful flowers are among the most impressive, decorative, and spectacular of all the flowering vines. They are evergreen, mostly woody, and deciduous vines.
There is a great variety in plant height, bloom season, flower form, color, and foliage effect.
Clematis belong to the genus Ranunculaceae of the buttercup family. Many of the species are native to Asia. There are also varieties native to Australia, North America, and Europe.
With more than 200 hybrid species, more and more cultivars are being established every year. Most varieties are climbers.
The growth is fast, woody vines that tumble, sprawl, and climb over anything obstacle in their path. Several of the species that native to warm regions are evergreen in its nature.
A happy Clematis plant produces an outstanding amount of foliage and flowers. Feed your plants with the best fertilizer for Clematis to retain the plant healthy and vigorous.
In early spring months, apply a shovelful of compost and a handful of granular organic fertilizer for better growth. Feed again, two times during the growing stage, preferably with a water-soluble organic fertilizer.
Nutrients needed by Clematis to grow well
Like most plants, Clematis need specific types of nutrients in their food. These nutrients guarantee healthy growth during the flowering and dormant stages.
There are three primary nutrients that Clematis requires to thrive well. Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K). These nutrients give the Clematis an all-around boost of supplements for outstanding and excellent plant health.
The Nitrogen enhances the stem and roots of the Clematis. It helps promote healthy growth and retain a firm base for the Clematis. A sturdy stem could transform into a vigorous plant.
The Phosphorus delivers a vital purpose to Clematis. This nutrient takes care of the roots, to make sure easy to absorb nutrients from the soil. These edible roots are the key to healthy Clematis.
The Potassium works in almost all areas of the plant. It increases disease resistance from harmful bacteria. Potassium will work to vibrant colors in both the blooms and stems of Clematis.
If you apply these nutrients consistently according to the proper instruction, you can extend plant life and keep your Clematis thriving well.
List of the best fertilizer for Clematis
1. J R Peters Jacks Classic 20-20-20 All Purpose Fertilizer For Clematis

This fertilizer product has many minerals in its ingredient such as boron, copper, chelated copper iron, chelated iron manganese, chelated manganese molybdenum, zinc, and chelated zinc. The NPK formulation is 20-20-20 that is suitable for Clematis. With the NPK formulation, the product provides quick leaf expansion and fast green-up.
For the best result, you can apply this fertilizer on every seven to fourteen days. You can dissolve every one tablespoon of this fertilizer with one gallon of water.
You can apply this fertilizer for all outdoor and indoor plants, vegetables, flowers, surf, and tree. The fertilizer works by feeding through the leaves and roots effectively.
For indoor plants, it keeps the leaves green and useful on foliage plants. It is formulated for an excellent shoot and root growth.
2. Miracle-Gro Pour And Feed Plant Food For Clematis In Container

This fertilizer product can feed all potted plants immediately. You can apply this ready-to-use plant food to the soil without mixing with water.
You can start applying your Clematis plants every seven to fourteen days, and you can expect healthy plants. Keep in mind that this fertilizer is suitable for Clematis in a container, not in-ground plants.
Before applying this fertilizer, shake the bottle well to mix well. Use the measuring cup and follow instruction label for the suitable amount to use. Forty-eight grams equals to one measuring cup.
With just applying directly to the soil, you can achieve such an outstanding result.
3. Dr Earth Organic 3 Rose And Flower Fertilizer in Poly Bag For Clematis In Container

This fertilizer product produces exceptional flowers and roses, as well as Clematis. The nutrients can feed plants for many months and release immediately.
It provides primary essential plant nutrients such as micronutrients and multi-minerals. These are cottonseed meal, fishbone meal, fish meal, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, mined potassium, sulfate, soft rock phosphate, and seaweed extract.
The ingredients also consist of a probiotic that works to make sure nutrients are released and broken down into the soil. Apply this fertilizer in raised beds in mid-season with a nutrient boost for maximum health.
Apply the fertilizer to Clematis plants in the container every forty-five days. A suitable fertilizer for all roses, flowering shrubs, ornamental trees, top-dress roses, and pre-spring dressing with 5-7-2 NPK formulation.
4. EcoScraps for Organic Gardening Rose And Flower Plant Food

The Ecoscraps fertilizer consists of a mix of ingredients, such as material recycled from the food processing industry. The NPK formulation is 4-6-3 which is formulated to stimulate the healthy growth of Clematis as well as flowering plants, annuals, perennials, and roses.
You can sprinkle a little amount of the fertilizer on any vegetable plants. You can expect success with healthy plants with lots of vegetables being produced.
You can use this organic fertilizer for Rhododendron, Azalea, Camelias, Berry, Citrus, Avocado, tomato, herbs, and vegetables.
5. Jobe’s Organics Flower & Rose Granular Fertilizer

You can apply this granular organic fertilizer with Biozome on Clematis, roses, and other flowering shrubs. The fertilizer product enhances the soil quality in a longer time, add root mass, helps plant growth, and increase resistance to drought, insects, disease, and unfavorable conditions during the growing stage.
Its Biozome is a specific blend of healthy bacteria, microorganisms Archaea, and Mycorrhizal fungi. The Archaea quickly breaks down minerals and complex hydrocarbons into easily absorbed essential nutrients and trace elements.
The Mycorrhizal fungi increase the surface-absorbing area of the roots by one hundred to up to one thousand times. These fungi will send out filaments to help plants absorb more nutrients and water.
The fungi get essential sugars and other compounds from the plant roots, boosting their growth.
The healthy bacterial in Biozome make a better the soil quality and structure, keeping nutrients closer to the roots. This granular organic fertilizer is OMRI listed and will help your Clematis and rose garden thrive.
You do not have to worry about safety, because this natural fertilizer is safe for use around pets, and humans.
6. Scott’s Rose And Bloom Continuous Release Plant Food 12-4-8

This fertilizer is suitable for Clematis, all varieties of flowers, and roses. It consists of slow-release Nitrogen that can feed Clematis plants to up to sixty days.
Apply this fertilizer to your Clematis by sprinkling evenly onto the soil surface. Gently rake into the top one to three inches for best results.
Apply every sixty days during the Clematis growing season to stimulate more beautiful and more significant blooms. It is formulated with 12-4-8 NPK formulation and with he three-pound bag can cover up to one hundred fifty square feet.
7. Burpee Organic Rose and Bloom Granular Plant Food

This fertilizer can provide a constant supply of nutrients to maintain blossom production and growth. The flow of nutrients happens right away, and the slow-release nutrients will feed continuously for up to ninety days.
The fertilizer consists of beneficial microbes to help maintain soil and plants healthy. This organic fertilizer is ideal for bushes, all kinds of flowers, container plants, and established beds.
It is listed as Omri for Organic application. This fertilizer helps promote more color, strong root development, and impressive blooms.
How often to fertilize Clematis
Clematis is a heavy feeder. Feed the plant in spring, when their buds are about 2″ long.
Other alternative feedings should be every four to six weeks with a balanced fertilizer such as 10-10-10. Keep this feeding practice until the end of the growing stage.
What is the best time to fertilize Clematis?
The best time to fertilize Clematis in a container is on a monthly basis. Water the plant before every feeding.
Water the plant again with dissolved fertilizer that you have mixed before in a watering can. Watering Clematis before fertilizing, will allow the plant to start drinking and make sure an even distribution of the fertilizer.
If you unexpectedly splash fertilizer on leaves, spray wash off leaves as a dry condition or warm weather cause the leaves to discolor. Fertilize the Clematis in the later summer months or early fall when the plant is not preparing to bloom. Apply a balanced formula fertilizer.
How to fertilize Clematis growing in the ground
In-ground Clematis plant requires less fertilizer because it draws nutrients from a wide area of soil. It is recommended to periodically apply a top dressing of composted organic material. Fertilize your Clematis in the fall and in the spring.
How to choose the best Clematis fertilizer?
Choosing the fertilizer that works best for your Clematis will be determined by what you want these plants to do. If your Clematis is blooming, and die after growth, you can apply a bloom boosting fertilizer.
If your Clematis are not budding, you can apply a fertilizer that strengthens the stems. Excellent water absorption can be achieved by having a right stem and create a strong base for the blooms. You should look for the type of fertilizer that has more potassium in its ingredient.
The best kind of Clematis fertilizer is the one that helps the soil have the right nutrients around the Clematis. You can choose organic fertilizers to assist the flowers, and give the surrounding soil nutrients.
Good soil for Clematis means that it contains beneficial organisms and populate your Clematis bush. Earthworms and bugs are needed for proper soil turnover.