Stromanthe Triostar Care. Stromanthe Triostar is a beautiful houseplant that always sparks the scene. The appearance is exotic, with its dark green leaves. The combination becomes more beautiful with streaks of cream and pink color.
Besides, the backsides of the leaves are a shade of pinkish-purple. You can benefit from this combination of lovely colors by placing them on a coffee table or side table or desk in the office).
When it grows larger, you can use the plant as a floor plant. You can combine the plant with a black or dark brown container. Another combination would be to use a purple planter.
Stromanthe Triostar plant profile
1. Scientific name
Stromanthe Triostar has scientific name: Stromanthe Sanguinea.
2. Common name
The common name of the plant is Stromanthe Triostar, Calathea Triostar, variegated bloody Stromanthe.
3. Origin
This plant is a native of Brazil.
4. Light requirement
This plant can not receive direct sun and when they do, their leaves will burn easily. Their best location to place the plant is near an east-facing window that provides mild morning sun.
Keep away no more than four feet from the window. You can also choose an alternative location at a bright northern exposure.
5. Soil requirement
The best soil for the Stromanthe Triostar plant is an equal part of the perlite and potting mix. Make sure that the potting mix is a well draining one to work well with the plant.
If you plant in a planter or container, you must make sure that they have drainage holes at the bottom. It will not tolerate soggy soil and may cause root rot.
6. Temperature
During the night, you should keep the temperature above 60°F or 15°C. The best and ideal average temperature is between 65°F to 80°F.
7. Humidity
To make an easy humidity level for the plant, you can consider leveling the humidity level the same as the humidity of Brazil. The humidity of the rainforest in Brazil is around 80%.
The easiest way to keep the humidity to reach its preferred level is by pebble-filled water trays and grouping plants. However, if the leaves turn to brown, you may need to do frequent misting with water.
If you decide to get a little more costly, purchase a room humidifier to achieve success with the plant.
8. USDA zones
The plant thrive well and can be grown in shady spots in USDA zones 9 to 11.
Stromanthe Triostar care
1. Watering
The Stromanthe Triostar plant can adapt to various lighting. However, they need to be watered frequently. This is the most critical part of taking care of the plant, where the consistency of watering can make their soil slightly moist. They will not be happy when the soil gets too dry or soggy.
Notice if the top inch of soil gets dry, this is the right time to water the plant. Retain the soil to be drier when cool-season comes. The best result is to use reverse osmosis water or rainwater or distilled water.
2. Fertilizer
The Stromanthe Triostar can be very happy when it receives regular fertilizer applications in the warm season. The best fertilizer for Stromanthe Triostar is a balanced formula with low nitrogen. If you want to go organic, you can apply worm casting and a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer for best results.
Fertilize the plant once every two weeks with a quarter-strength of diluted fertilizer at the same time as watering. This method will make sure the roots are not burned, and with organic fertilizers, you can be sure to be safe.
3. Pruning
If you notice damaged leaves, then it is the only time to prune the plant. Make sure to use sterilized pruning tools when cutting the stem at the base of the plant.
It is a common practice to prune the plant for maintenance. Pruning can also be helpful because even thriving plants have declined and dried up leaves. Do not trim more than a third of the foliage.
4. How to propagate Stromanthe Triostar
The most common and standard propagation method is by replanting and separating the rhizome clumps. The best time to propagate Stromanthe Triostar is during its growing season, which is in spring months.
You must pay attention to the roots because they are delicate and can be damaged easily. You can see the damage when leaves are dying.
5. Repotting
Re-potting the plant is rather a challenging task. You can begin re-potting when the plant has outgrown its current planter or pot.
The best time to re-pot the plant is during the late spring months or summer months. You can re-pot them is shallow pots because of their small root systems.
If you give it a go for re-potting, purchase a planter, or pot one size bigger than their existing pot. Use the recommended well-draining soil when re-potting.
6. Diseases and pests problems
Stromanthes aren’t overly prone to disease, but their high demand for moisture does create ideal conditions for fungus, molds, etc. You can stay ahead of these issues by letting the top of the soil dry out slightly between
Commonly Stromanthes Triostar is not prone to disease. However, moisture can create mold or fungus. Especially the plant has a high demand for moisture.
To prevent the plant from getting too much moisture, make sure to water the plant when the top of the soil dry out. Pests problems such as Aphids or spider mites can be handled with neem oil or a mild horticultural soap.
Frequently ask question
Is Stromanthe Triostar a Calathea?
The plant is a Calathea relative. It requires the humid conditions and shady light of a rainforest to thrive well.
Why is the Stromanthe plant drooping?
The soil must be moist at all times and should not be soaking wet. The lack of moisture and being exposed to high heat can cause excessive wilting.
Why is the Triostar turning yellow?
The leaves turn to yellow may be the cause of overwatering. This discoloration on the leaves is related to the roots. Excessive salt and chemical can turn the leaves to yellow. You can fix this by flushing the soil with clean water. Later on, the roots will improve, and so as the leaves.
Are Stromanthe toxic to cats?
These plants are 100% non-toxic and safe for your cats. The plant can help purify the air of your home.