What Is Succulent Soil 2020 Guide

What Is Succulent Soil? Succulents have unique requirements and have needed for different soil from most plants in order to thrive for a long period of time.

What Is Succulent Soil

Whether you are potting up for indoor containers or planting in a garden, there are a lot of factors that determine the right soil for healthy, and beautiful Succulent plants. If you choose the wrong type of soil for a Succulent plant and you will encounter troubleshooting care issues.

What is the best soil for Succulents or potting soil for Succulents?

The best Succulent soil is a well-draining soil one. Because Succulent is prone to rot root, drainage is key. The succulent plant has the ability to tolerate drought. They will get rot root if during waterings they are not able to dry out between waterings.

To have better cultivation from any plant, you have to mimic the natural condition from which the plant originally came from. If you find a wild Succulents plant in the wild, it has the tendency to grow in gravel and sandy soil.

Many varieties of Succulents can thrive well in rocky and small crevices or cliffsides. They have a natural environment of gritty soils that get saturated by strong and heavy rains but the soil dry out very quickly.

What kind of soil for the Succulent plant?

To have a better result in growing Succulents will be determined by the soil to use. Succulents grow naturally and adapted to environments that where it does not rain and can thrive well with just a little water.

The right environment would be not too little and not too much water. Good succulent soil is the one that holds on to just the right amount of water.

What is the best soil composition for Succulent?

Well Drained Succulent Soil

The simplest definition of well-drained soil is the type of soil that allows water to soak or drip or drain at a mild rate. At these rates means not to drip or soak or drain too slowly or too quickly.

For Succulent plants, if its soil drains or soaks too quickly, it does not have the time to absorb the water and can eventually die.

On the other hand, when the soil does not drain quickly and plants are submerged in water, the oxygen intake will be reduced and the plants can die too. Succulent plants that have insufficient watering are more susceptible to disease and insect damage.

Clay soil for Succulent plants can drain poorly and let the root rot because the root sits too long in wet conditions. Clay or compacted soil is better for plants that can tolerate wet areas.

Sandy soil can quickly drain water away from plant roots too quickly, so it is suitable for plants that can tolerate dry and drought-like conditions.

So if the Succulent plant is watered too much, the leaves can enlarge and burst. Succulent soil must not be dense or compacted that holds too much water which can cause root rot.

The suitable soil composition should have crumbly or gritty soil that drains properly. It must contain 1/4-inch of any particle size so that airflow is maximized and moisture content is controlled.

PH balanced Succulent Soil

Succulent soil must have the right pH balance. Succulent soil must have a specific pH balance so that the soil is not too acidic. The best type of soil pH level for Succulents is at around pH 5.5 or 6. Be sure to use a soil test kit to know the pH balance of your soil.

What is the best soil for Succulents ingredients?


Haydite is heat-expanded shale, slate or low-grade clay. It is a type of semi-absorbent ceramic with non-interconnected spherical pores. It has a usefulness as a drainage aid. This soil ingredient provides the best drainage, water retention, nutrient retention, and air circulation.


Akadama is a naturally clay-like mineral found only in Japan. When watered, it does not form a slurry-like clay but forms a gritty paste which is the perfect soil environment for Succulent.

The big advantage of Akadama is that roots can grow through the parcels and increases the amount of space in the pot that is available to the roots. It drains efficiently after several years in use similar to sand.


It is actually a type of volcanic rock that is lightweight but strong enough to be used as an abrasive. It is crushed lava rock.

Pumice enhances drainage for Succulent plants. It absorbs excess moisture or water so Succulent plant roots will rot in wet weather. Pumice helps to aerate the soil.


Overwatering can cause a plant to root rot or drown. This is because the roots become saturated with water and prevented to have adequate oxygen.

Adding perlite to the potting mix will trap air into the Succulent soil. Perlite will let water drain out. It can be added to custom soil mixes.


Vermiculite is similar to Perlite but it has more superior water-retaining properties than Perlite. Vermiculite is pH neutral and will not affect the pH level of the Succulent soil mix.

How to test the soil drainage

Every Succulent garden guide refers to the importance of well-draining soil. If water drains away from plant roots too fast, the plants will parch or dry out.

On the other hand, if water does not drain, Succulent plants will drown and rot from the roots up. A percolation test is a great way to measure drainage in your garden soil. So here it is.

1. Dig a hole

Make a hole at least 12 inches in diameter by 12 inches deep. For a large portion of your garden, make several holes scattered around your garden, since drainage can vary.

2. Fill the hole with water

Use your water bottle or your garden hose to fill the hole with water. Allow the water to sit in 24 hours. This soaks the soil and helps provide a more accurate test reading.

3. Refill with water

Refill the hole with water after passing 24 hours.

4. Measure drainage

Immediately measure the water level by laying a stick across the top of the hole. Use a tape measure to determine the water level. Measure the water level every hour until the hole dries out. Note the number of inches the water level drops per hour.

The ideal soil drainage is around 2 inches per hour. If the rate is less than 1 inches per hour, the drainage is too slow. You can improve the drainage. If drainage is more than 4 inches per hour, this means the drainage rate is too fast.

Drainage problems can be addressed by mixing compost and/or organic matter into the soil or as a top dressing. This will help heavy clay soil drain better and coarse sandy soils to hold moisture.

How to create a well-draining soil for Succulent plant

Before you plant any Succulent plant, it is recommended to test the soil and test its drainage capabilities. It would not be enough to add sand to clay soil to improve drainage.

For soil with poor drainage, too wet or too dry, thoroughly mix in organic materials such as Peat moss or Compost or Shredded bark and Manure. Properly drained soil is very vital for healthy Succulent plants.

Blending and mixing your own Succulent soil is a great way to save money and get the perfect soil blend for certain varieties and growing conditions.

It would become the all-purpose recipe. It will work indoors or outdoors. It works well in containers or in the ground of the garden.

To create a balanced the best Succulent soil, mix one-part organic materials with two parts of mineral materials. You can pick one from each side or mix and match multiple ingredients. Just be sure the total volume is 1/3 organic matter and 2/3 mineral materials.

Let’s say you choose 1/3 potting soil as the organic matter, then you can choose let’s say 2/3 of Perlite as a good mix. Or 1/3 Coconut Coir mix with 2/3 Pumice. [see table below]

No.1/3 Organic Matter2/3 Minerals
1.Potting soilPerlite
2.Pine BarkPumice
3.CompostCoarse Sand
4.Coconut CoirGravel

List of some of the best soil for Succulents or potting soil for Succulents

1. Bonsai Jack Succulent – Fast Draining – Fight Root Rot – Optimized pH

What Is Succulent Soil

[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/Bonsai-Jack-Succulent-111-3-5-Gallons/dp/B0194E9UW6/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&linkCode=sl1&tag=fery0d-20&linkId=27fb8a938df677416687ce78be04d5a0&language=en_US” target=”blank” background=”#e5083f” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Check It Out[/su_button]

2. Organic Succulent Soil (Cactus soil)

What Is Succulent Soil

[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/Organic-Succulent-Cactus-Soil-Gallon/dp/B00GA9YIHG/ref=as_li_ss_tl?linkCode=sl1&tag=fery0d-20&linkId=7d46b6730787c361d9f00b6f3da0b7cd&language=en_US” target=”blank” background=”#e5083f” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Check It Out[/su_button]

3. Miracle-Gro Cactus Palm and Citrus Potting Mix (Succulent soil)

What Is Succulent Soil

[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/Miracle-Gro-Potting-currently-Northeastern-Midwestern/dp/B00GRAJTEK/?tag=fery0d-20″ target=”blank” background=”#e5083f” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Check It Out[/su_button]

4. Black Gold All Organic Potting Soil

What Is Succulent Soil

[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/Black-Gold-1302040-8-Quart-Organic/dp/B004OVUM40/ref=as_li_ss_tl?crid=3518GK4YZYTC3&keywords=black gold potting soil&qid=1577631009&sprefix=black gold,aps,386&sr=8-1&linkCode=sl1&tag=fery0d-20&linkId=1eb12e0576c71a4a2e887aec286c4f4b&language=en_US” target=”blank” background=”#e5083f” size=”8″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]Check It Out[/su_button]

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Henry Kaswandi, SS, M.Kom.

I had been doing gardening for the last 18 years. I enjoy writing reviews of many products and about gardening to give better experiences and accurate information.